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EXPERIENTIAL: Picture from the Vac From The Sea Exhibits. Vacuums and plastic artifacts toured premium museums around the world. Including Da Vinci National Museum, Italy.
INVESTOR RELATIONS: Vac From The Sea making the front cover of Electrolux global Annual Report. The project is used to showcase the company's environmental strategy in action.
EARNED MEDIA: The media earned came from all sorts of global media. By listening carefully to environmental groups and local ambassadors when developing the concept, the project appealed to media all over the board. From environmental media to advertising press and consumer media.
IN-STORE: In-Store Point of Sales material.
CSR: It is not every day a product launch for a vacuum cleaner accepts an award from the Secretary-General
CONTENT: Blog and news graphic. "Evolution of the windscreen"
CONTENT: Blog and news graphic: "Evolution of the steering-wheel"
CONTENT: Blog and news graphic: "Evolution of the headlight". At the time Audi had pioneered LED headlights, so creating stories for online and media about LED's promoted Audi tech while telling the story of headlight evolution.
EARNED MEDIA: The Carwinism blog became the go to source for car journalists and business writers who's job it was to make sense of the car crisis. Which resulted in a lot of earned media for Audi and re-affirmed its technology leadership.
CONTENT: This is a graphic from the Carwinism blog, also used as news-graphic. It shows how milestones for women's liberation coincide with car designs and car technology that seek to attract female buyers. For example, 7 years after "The Other Sex" is publicized, Dodge launches its "La Femme" model.
SOCIAL ACTIVATION: Screen grabs of the TVC used as puzzles and challenges for the Facebook followers.
EARNED MEDIA: The campaign was well received by leading industry media.
SOCIAL ACTIVATION: Fans of Toshiba were invited to share their own ridiculous inventions.
CONTENT ENGINE: Telia tracked all broadband traffic in the country from all sorts of lifestyle aspects. Experts would then get airtime in news-media as they drew their conclusions as to what the fluctuations in bandwidth usage said about us as a people.